Hi. I’m Liz.

Welcome to my virtual ocean!

I'm a kidlit writer, diver & adventurer. I love sharing the mysteries of the deep with kids of all ages who love adventure.

Write Your Own Adventure!

I love a good adventure tale (and a good mystery and a good historical tale and a good fairy tale...)! I'm so happy that you love to read my stories and share my adventures,



So, this part of my site is dedicated to helping you write your awesome adventures. Here, you'll find creative writing prompts for kids of all ages. They are available in web or PDF form, totally free to share! All I ask is that you credit me. Also, consider dropping me a line to let me know how it goes!

Adventure and write away!


Write Your Adventure! by Liz Summit is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Based on a work at http://www.lizsummit.com/write-your-adventure/.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at http://www.lizsummit.com/contact/.

Mapping Sound

Mapping Sound